Start Free - No Ads

Upgrade for premium features.

Sign Up Free
One ad-free form. No credit card.


Upgrade for premium features

Pay Monthly
4 Months Free!
Pay Yearly
For Individuals and Small Groups
For Teams and Small Organizations
For Larger Organizations
an icon of a gold or yellow lightning bolt on a green background
$60 per month
$40 per month billed yearly ($480)
Everything in Empower and:
Unlimited ad-free sign up forms
Unlimited Community Boards to organize and track volunteers
3 Additional Account Admins share access to your entire account
Remove Lome Branding tailor the experience to your brand
Custom Share Links
Priority Support
Compare Plans

Why Use Lome?

Faster. Easier. Custom.

Lome replaces Sign Up Genius, Meal Train,
Google Sheets, Evite, and more!
check mark
Templates and AI auto-create
Add to calendar button
Text messaging
Start free - no credit card
Automatic address book
check mark
No ads or spam
Reports with print/export
Payments without fees
Respondents don't need account
check mark
Delightful themes and images
Image upload and create
QR codes and shared calendars
Use your branding
API and Zapier integration
Sign Up Free
No Ads. No Credit Card Required.

Start Free

icon of a flag or notification
No Credit Card
1 Ad-Free Sign Up Form
1 Community Board share calendars and forms
Multi-Date sign up form
Reminders via email
Hide Past Dates
Sign Up Free

Compare Plans

Engage NowEngage
Empower Now
Customize NowCustomize
Premium Ad-Free Sign Up Forms
Annoying Ads
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
Respondents Don't Need an Account
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Create and Share Multiple Custom Forms
5 Included
12 Included
Multi-Date Forms
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Email Reminders
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Email Invites
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Text Message Invites and Reminders
50 per event
500 Included
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Auto Save Contacts
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Address Book and Contact Import
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Additional Account Admins
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
1 Included
3 Included
QR Codes & Printable Flyers
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Event Co-Hosts
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Archive Old Sign Up Forms
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Custom Short Links
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Remove Lome Logo
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Community Boards
Create and Share Community Boards
1 Included
2 Included
Make Public or Private
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Shared Group Calendar
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Comments and Messaging
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Community Co-Hosts
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Custom URL
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Easy Designs - Templates and Custom
Hundreds of Templates and Themes
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Easy Image Creator
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Thousands of Stock Images
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Image Upload
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Rich Text Editor
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Share Your Form as a Template
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Powerful Extensions
Payments: Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, PayPal
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Thousands of Integrations
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
AI Writes Event Descriptions
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
AI Sign Up Slot Generation
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
AI Design Theme Generation
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Accept RSVPs
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Embed Spotify or Youtube
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Manually Add Form Responses
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Add to Calendar Button
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Sign Up Slot Descriptions
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Sign Up Slot Settings
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Host Notification Options
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Guest Thank You Cards
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Automatic Map Links
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Hide Responses
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Easy Form Duplication
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Time Slots / Appointments
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Lock/Unlock Form
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Custom Questions
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Export Results
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Print Results
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Upload Files
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Send Notifications to Co-Hosts
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Require Email and Phone Number
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Kiosk Mode
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Custom Invites and Confirmation Messages
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Customer Support Run By Real People
Access to Lome Help Community
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Email Support
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Priority Support
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan
Nightly Form Backups
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of an x indicating that this features is not available on this plan
icon of a check mark indicating that this feature is in fact available on this plan

Who Uses Lome?

Trusted by organizations like:

Lome Is Ad-Free

two women who are Lome users who look very at peace because they don't have to deal with frustrating ads and spam that other platforms put on sign up forms.

No Ads. Ever.

Support Lome by upgrading to a Premium Account and help us make the internet a bit less cluttered.

Our competitors deal in showing you ads, sending you spam, and selling your data. Respecting your privacy means not resorting to the same old tactics.

Who Loves Lome?

Real feedback from Lome users:

"I was yelling on my front porch trying to figure out Signup Genius... but I felt so relaxed using Lome"
Headshot of Lome user named Ashley

Ashley B.

School Mom & Therapist

"We used to use Sign Up Genius, Meal Train, and Evite but Lome has been so much more helpful and cost-effective for our community."
Headshot of Lome user named Matt

Matt E.

Dad & Worship Leader

“I use Lome for Girl Scouts and as a Classroom Mom and it is WAY easier than any other system I’ve tried!
Headshot of Lome user named Amy

Amy B.

Class Mom, Girl Scout Leader

Lome Logo.
We Flourish Together
Our Mission and Values